Manuscript Submission Guidelines

The proceedings volume of the 10IKC will be published as a Special hard cover issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India.

Manuscripts are to be submitted following the regular Geological Society of India –Springer link Online Manuscript Submission, Review and Tracking System for the journal using the link

Manuscripts must be prepared using the10IKC GSI Guide for Authors, located in the download section of the 10IKC website. For detailed instructions on digital artwork, please consult the GSI guides (Complete or MS Office) that are also located in the download section of the website.

The site also host full data sets (e.g. spreadsheets) and digital color images (e.g. photomicrographs, geophysical images). The 10IKC encourages use of this facility but emphasizes that supplementary material forms part of a submitted manuscript and is subject to normal peer-review procedures.

10IKC delegates giving oral presentations are required to submit a supporting manuscript to the 10IKC Proceedings Volumes; delegates giving poster presentations are encouraged to submit a manuscript.

Manuscript Guidelines are available from the download section.